bla bla bla...shout out i wan to shout la...
bcos too long time dint update my blog and
too many things happen recently too ~~
i too easy trust ppl then get hurd lo...
actually i also have heart perparation have to cheat by him
but i still want believe on him
at last how?? also been hurted by him!!!
so shit one...bear ah bear...cleaver more la...dont so stupid anymore
sometime i donno what people think de!! y wan so show off??!!??
is bcos too scare ppl look down at you so u want show what u have done?
pls la...dont think too much la...cherrish uself...
in this world everyone also have bad n good attitude...
learn others ppl good attitude and also reminder ourself dont do the same attitude others ppl did
sure i also have bad attitude ... so im also learning now ~~
im so happy my i have a friend like a cow finally said soli to me
that mean i dint did wrong .... well im also not a kind of small gas girl
so i also 4get him at last... hope our friendship wont easy get hurd...
i also need protect myself from now on ....
everytime i know how to said but last last also get hurd by someone
i though i put him down jor...mana tahu today i saw him pic is alone pic
then i think he break with his gf aldy...but see the status still remain couple...
omg...that time i saw his pic got a feeling tell me i still haven 100% put him down
omg...what happen to me?? i not get freedom from him aldy meh??
pls la...give me pak tou la...i dun have suffer anymore bcos of him !!!!
but truth is sometime i really miss u so much ~~
i dunno i able continue study onot...my coursework marks so low leh!!
i dun hope repeat or resit leh!!!is wasting time and money ~~~
i wan put more effort on my study now ~~ to get a good result
walau leh...talk to much leh...stop in here la..bcos
mother and younger brother come kl for holiday today !!! ^^
miss my dog so much~~ muaks coco